Container Rack Goes Large

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Container Racks Largest International Order to date!!

For those of you who know us at Container Rack will know that our Racking System was produced and designed out of a frustration for the need of more space in our own Shipping Containers.

The Racking is now at its best specification and has various jobs for all our Customers. Proving popular across the Marine Industry for Sail Storage, the Business Sector for Archive Storing, the Motor Trade for storing and moving parts, along with numerous self stores are just a few examples of how our Racking is being used.

With over 80 Shipping Containers Overseas requiring the CRS Range we worked hard to dispatch the following to complete our largest order to date:

2,400 Timber Decks
1,000 Uprights
3,000 Arms
20,000 Nuts, Bolts and Screws
A total number of 175 Pallets.

All totalling a weight of 68,335 Kg

Once packed and loaded our Racking made it across to our Customer in North Africa.
By Marcus Elliott April 8, 2021
Take a look at what our local Nightflix Cinema has to offer at Newark Showground. Container Rack supplied the containers and the site office in a timely fashion to help get the show on the road. Good luck to all those involved with the Nightflix Cinemas!
By Marcus Elliott April 8, 2021
Here at Container Rack Ltd we are proud to introduce our new lighter racking system. The new system is a galvanized lighter duty version that has optional bracket lengths, providing even more options for your storage needs. We provide a 600mm bracket with a rating of 100kg per arm as well as 450mm bracket with a rating of 150kg per arm. The new racking is proving popular, please get in touch with us to discuss your individual requirements. Our original heavy duty system remains available for those requiring to store those heavier items up to 300kg per arm.
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